The funeral benefits to be paid from the Metropolitan Police Department Pension Fund to the heirs or estate of any active or retired members of the Metropolitan Police Department shall be in accordance with I.C. 36-8-6 et seq., as amended from time to time.
(‘82 Code, § 24-400) (Am. Ord. 805, passed 8-28-01)
Police pension fund, see § 32.37
(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
“QUALIFYING.” Such law enforcement personnel or police officers who have completed the requisite number of years for retirement entitlement under the applicable Indiana statutes for sworn law enforcement personnel for police office retirement eligibility.
(B) There is hereby established a Police Officer Retirement Weapon Special Benefit Compensation for qualifying sworn law enforcement personnel (i.e., police officers) from the Town Metropolitan Police Department whereby such qualifying sworn law enforcement personnel or police officers will, upon retirement, be entitled to retain and be provided the regular duty service handgun of such law enforcement personnel then retiring.
(C) In order to be provided to maintain and keep the regular duty service handgun, the Chief of Police, at the time of such retirement, shall report such to the Town Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, which shall, upon such review and assessment, in its discretion, act in a public meeting to authorize and approve the special benefit for a qualifying retiring sworn law enforcement personnel or police officer to retain and keep such duty service handgun. Upon such public meeting action by the Town Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, the Town Council and Clerk-Treasurer shall be notified immediately, and the records of the town shall be documented for such compensation being provided and transfer being made of the property of the town. The special benefit compensation provided hereby shall only be made in conformance with the public meeting action of the Town Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners, upon documentation for such as set forth. The special benefit compensation provided hereby shall be in addition to all other rights of compensation to which a qualifying retiring sworn law enforcement personnel or police officer is entitled at the time of such retirement.
(Ord. 1155, passed 4-17-12)
(A) There is created and established in the town, a Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners consisting of three members who shall be appointed by the Town Council.
(B) The Commissioners appointed to the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners shall be of good moral character, and legal residents of the town. No more than two of the Commissioners appointed to the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners shall be of the same political party.
(‘82 Code, § 24-200) (Am. Ord. 790, passed 4-30-01; Am. Ord. 1217, passed 2-17-15)