(A)   All responsibility for the Sewer Utility Billing Department, and its employees and operations, is hereby transferred immediately to the Clerk-Treasurer of the town. The Clerk-Treasurer shall have all authority concerning the oversight and management of the Sewer Utility Billing Department, and shall further be authorized and permitted to have full and complete control and authority over the employees and operations of the Department.
   (B)   Unless an ordinance of the town provides otherwise, the Clerk-Treasurer shall be authorized with the following regarding the Sewer Utility Billing Department, and its employees and operations, namely:
      (1)   Hire employees according to the pay schedules and standards fixed by town ordinance, or by statute;
      (2)   Suspend, discharge, remove or transfer employees, if necessary, pursuant to the standards fixed by town ordinance or by statue, for the welfare of the town;
      (3)   Delegate any of her powers and authorities to an employee responsible to her;
      (4)   Administer and enforce all ordinances, directives, and resolutions of the Town Council;
      (5)   Ensure that all statutes and ordinance provisions that are required to be administered by the Town Council, or any duly designated town official under the control and authority of the Town Council, are faithfully and fully administered.
   (C)   All existing ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this section, are hereby deemed null, void, and of no legal effect, and are specifically repealed.
(Ord. 513, passed 6-13-90)