§ 114.04 INSURANCE.
   (A)   No applicant shall be entitled to a permit under this section unless and until he or she shall have filed and maintained on file with the town a certificate certifying that he or she or his or her company or business firm carries public liability and property damage insurance issued by an insurance carrier authorized to do business in the state insuring the applicant and the town and its agents against loss by reason of injuries to, or death of, persons, or damages to property arising out of or related to the event caused by the applicant, its agents, or its employees. Such insurance shall be primary and provide coverage for all liability assumed by the applicant under this section and shall be provided by any permittee in the amounts established by the town as required by its insurer.
   (B)   (1)   Failure by the applicant to provide the town with a certificate of insurance in the amounts required by the town, and failure by the town to demand the filing by the permittee of such a certificate before such a permit is issued, shall not be deemed to waive the permittee's obligation to provide the insurance specified herein. Such insurance certificate shall remain in effect and be kept on file with the Town Engineer until the event has concluded. The insurance certificate shall provide that coverage cannot be cancelled or expire without providing 15-days written notice of such action to the town also noting the permit number.
      (2)   No evidence of liability insurance or surety bond shall be required as a condition precedent to the issuance of a permit to a Federal, state, county, or political subdivision.
(Ord. O2019-06, passed 1-21-20)
   (A)   A special event permit may be revoked by the Town Marshal for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   Failure to conduct the special event as presented on the application;
      (2)   Failure to comply with special conditions in the approval of the application;
      (3)   If the event poses a threat to the public health, safety or welfare.
   (B)   In the event a special event permit is revoked, a future permit from the same sponsor or business shall not be issued unless the application receives prior approval by the Town Council.
(Ord. O2009-15, passed 11-2-09)
   (A)   A special event permit may be revoked by the town for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   Failure to conduct the special event as presented on the application;
      (2)   Failure to comply with special conditions in the approval of the application;
      (3)   If the event poses a threat to the public health, safety or welfare.
   (B)   In the event a special event permit is revoked, a future permit from the same sponsor or business shall not be issued unless the application receives prior approval by the Town Council.
(Ord. O2019-06, passed 1-21-20)
§ 114.07 APPEAL.
   (A)   If a permit application is denied or a permit is revoked, the Town Marshal shall notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for the denial or revocation. An applicant who has been denied a permit, whose permit has been revoked, or who objects to any special conditions of the permit, may appeal the action of the Town Marshal in writing to the civil hearing officer within ten working days from the denial, revocation, or approval subject to conditions.
   (B)   Upon receiving the written appeal, the civil hearing officer shall set an appeal hearing in accordance with the provisions provided in the § 31.28, commencement of enforcement action on civil code infraction.
(Ord. O2019-06, passed 1-21-20)
   Events occurring on public property or operated/sponsored by the Town of Cave Creek or the Cave Creek School District are exempt from the provisions of this chapter except for the requirements of § 114.02(E). An event is considered to be sponsored by the Town of Cave Creek if the event is approved by the Town Council at a public meeting.
(Ord. O2019-06, passed 1-21-20)
§ 114.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   An applicant whose permit has been revoked, and the revocation upheld, or who holds a special event without obtaining a special event permit, shall not be granted another special event permit for a period of one year from the date of the event.
   (B)   If a special event is held without a permit approved pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the property owner shall be guilty of a civil code infraction and shall be subject to the provisions in the § 31.28, Commencement of Enforcement Action on Civil Code Infraction.
(Ord. O2019-06, passed 1-21-20)