(A)   Outside town limits. Use of the town wastewater works will not be granted to persons outside the limits of the town without the approval of the Town Council.
   (B)   Approval required. No public sewer extensions shall be made until the plans and specifications are approved by the authorized officers of the town.
   (C)   In subdivisions. In new subdivisions where public sewer extensions are authorized by the town and constructed at the subdivider's expense, the town may authorize the subdivider or his or her agent, if he or she so desires, to install building connections with wyes and connect the building sewers to the building connection under the following provisions:
      (1)   The construction of the public sewer, building connections, and connections of the building sewers to the building connection shall be in compliance with Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Standards and Specifications under the supervision of a registered civil engineer holding a currently active registration in the state, who shall submit “as built plans” bearing the registered civil engineer's registration seal and number to the Manager. It shall be the duty of the registered civil engineer employed by the subdivider to require that all building connections serving lots in the subdivision upon which no buildings are constructed be sealed. Such sealed connections shall be inspected and approved by the authorized officer of the town before being backfilled and shall be marked in the field, located, and designated on the “as built plans.” The effective seal shall consist of a vitrified clay, or equal stopper, inserted in the bell of the sewer extending to the property line in the alley or to the curb line in the street from the public sewer. Such stopper shall be jointed according to the specifications and standard details used by the MAG or subsequent revision thereof. The stopper shall be permanently flagged by attaching one end of a length of copper wire to the stopper and the other end to a broken piece of clay pipe, which shall be placed under the soil surface directly over the end of sewer pipe.
      (2)   Before any sewer construction is commenced, the necessary approvals and permits must be obtained by the subdivider or his or her agent from the properly authorized officer of the town.
      (3)   When the “as built plans” are submitted to the town, the Engineer will make a record of the building connections. The Engineer shall notify the properly authorized officer of the connections to ascertain that all requirements of the town have been fulfilled.
      (4)   A deposit in cash, certified check, or bond in the amount of 100% of the Engineer's estimated cost of the public sewer extension and building connections shall be paid by the subdivider or his or her agent to the Town Manager before commencing any construction to ascertain that the provisions of this section are fulfilled. Upon acceptance of the “as built plans” by the Engineer and a satisfactory report by the authorized inspector, the deposit will be promptly refunded to the subdivider or his or her agent without interest. Should the subdivider or his agent fail to comply with the foregoing provisions, the deposit shall be forfeited by the subdivider or his or her agent and used by the town to complete the approved construction.
      (5)   (a)   Except for single-family residential units, no privately owned sewer systems and/or treatment plants or facilities of any sort for the treatment of wastewater shall be allowed in any new subdivision within the town.
         (b)   In addition, no more than one single-family residential unit shall be allowed to introduce wastewater into any type of privately owned wastewater treatment facility that is permitted within a new subdivision by this chapter.
(`87 Code, Art. 17-6) (Ord. 94-06, passed 3-7-94) Penalty, see § 50.999