1. Removal of safeguards or danger signals. No person shall willfully remove, tear down, destroy, deface, or carry away from any highway, street, alley, avenue or bridge any lamp, obstruction, guard or other article or things, or extinguish any lamp or other light, erected or placed thereupon for the purpose of guarding or enclosing unsafe or dangerous places in said highway, street, alley, avenue or bridge without the consent of the person in control thereof.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 716.5)
2. Obstructing or defacing streets. No person shall obstruct, deface, or injure any public road in any manner by breaking up, plowing or digging within the boundary lines thereof, without permission from the Mayor.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 716.1)
3. Removal of Snow, Ice and Accumulations. Snow, ice and accumulations shall be removed from sidewalks within 24-hours of the last accumulation. If a property owner does not remove snow, ice or accumulations within a reasonable time, the City may do so and assess the costs against the property owner for collection in the same manner as a property tax.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12(2)(b and e))
(Ord. 30-16, Passed December 12, 2016
4. Removal of hydrant caps, sewer caps or manhole covers. No person shall remove or carry away hydrant caps, sewer caps or manhole covers without the consent of the person in control thereof.