Each property owner in the City may have a second water meter installed to measure water that is not discharged into the sanitary sewer system, in accordance with the following:
   1.   The Council must approve the installation of the second water meter prior to installation.
   2.   The property owner shall pay for the second water meter, a remote reading device and for all costs associated with connecting the water meter to the property.
The property owner shall install a back flow valve.
When meter and items are installed, the city will complete an inspection ensuring all is installed correctly.
An annual inspection by the city is required with a fee of $30.00 being charged to persons with a second water meter.
   3.   The property owner shall pay the monthly minimum for water service to the second water meter for the entire year and not for just the months that the property owner may plan to use the second meter. In addition, the property owner shall pay for water usage at the current rates for all water used.
z(ORD 12-17, Oct 23, 2017