17.52.170 Business and industrial district fences.
   Fences in all business and industrial districts shall not exceed ten feet in height except that boundary-line fences abutting residential districts shall not be greater than six feet in height. No fence or planting in excess of thirty inches above the street centerline grade shall be permitted within a triangular area defined as follows: beginning at the intersection of the projected curbing lines of two intersecting streets, thence forty feet along one curb line, thence diagonally to a point forty feet from the point of beginning on the other curb lines, then to the point of beginning, and at the intersection of each driveway or alley with a street, a triangular area where corners are defined by two points on the right-of-way line, fifteen feet on each side of the centerline of the driveway or alley and a point on the centerline ten feet outside right-of-way.
(Ord. 1178 § 6.5.5, 1987)