17.52.100 Detached accessory structures, uses and equipment.
   Detached accessory structures, uses and equipment in residential zone districts shall be subject to the following development standards:
   A.   Accessory structures, uses and equipment shall comply with the front and corner side yard setback required for the principal structure.
   B.   Accessory structures, uses and equipment, no greater than six feet in height, and which are screened from public view by an opaque wall or fence, shall have a zero setback from the rear and side property lines.
   C.   Accessory structures, uses and equipment, greater than six but no greater than twelve feet in height, shall have a three-foot setback from the rear or side property lines. Except that, in the case where the rear or side property line is adjacent to a dedicated public alley, the setback may be reduced to zero.
   D.   Accessory structures, uses and equipment greater than twelve feet in height, shall comply with the rear and side yard setbacks required for the principal structure.
   E.   All setbacks for accessory structures, uses and equipment shall be measured from the nearest point of use, equipment or exterior wall of the structure to the property line.
   F.   Projections beyond the exterior wall, such as eves, overhangs, cornices, and similar architectural features, may encroach into the required setbacks by up to eighteen inches, but in no case shall extend beyond the property line.
   G.   The total building footprint area of all accessory structures located in the required rear yard shall be limited to no more than twenty-five percent of the area.
(Ord. 1397.17.39 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1178 § 6.4.10, 1987)