17.52.080 General considerations—Restrictions.
   A.   An accessory building shall be considered an integral part of the principal building if it is connected to the principal building by a roof, except as provided in Section 17.52.090.
   B.   Accessory buildings, uses, or equipment shall not be stored or constructed between the front lot line and front building setback line except as allowed in Section 17.52.120.
   C.   Accessory buildings and garages in residential districts shall not exceed the height of the principal structure, except that accessory buildings and garages which exceed the aforesaid maximum may be allowed with a conditional use permit within the Rural Ranch, Suburban Homestead, and Urban Ranch zoning districts, and shall not be located within a utility easement.
   D.   No accessory building or garage for single-family homes shall occupy more than twenty-five percent of a rear yard nor exceed six hundred seventy-five square feet of floor area, except that an accessory building or garage over six hundred seventy-five square feet of floor area may be allowed with a conditional use permit.
   E.   No permit shall be issued for the construction of more than one accessory, detached, private garage structure for each dwelling.
   F.   No accessory building or use shall be constructed or developed on a lot prior to the time of construction of the principal building to which it is accessory, except by a conditional use permit.
   G.   Accessory buildings in any business or industrial district may be located only to the rear of the principal building.
   H.   No accessory building in any business or industrial district shall exceed the height of the principal building except by conditional use permit.
(Ord. 1397.17.36 §§ 14 and 15, 2009; Ord. 1178 §§ 6.4.1 through 6.4.8, 1987)