17.48.060 Recreational vehicle park overlay zoning district development and design regulations.
   A.   Minimum Lot (Space) Area: The minimum area for a recreational vehicle park lot (space) shall be one thousand five hundred square feet.
   B.   Setbacks: The setbacks within the recreational vehicle park overlay zoning district are as follows:
   1.   Perimeter: All recreational vehicle and accessory buildings and uses (except detached signs) shall be set back from the perimeter screening wall of the recreational vehicle park a distance not less than ten feet.
   2.   Lot/Space Setbacks: All recreational vehicles (and any detached individual storage building) shall maintain the following lot/space setbacks (measurements are taken from the leading edge of any carport, patio cover, awning or other extension):
      Front                  10'
      Side                  5'
      Rear                  5'
      Corner side               10'
      Perimeter screening wall         10'
      Distance between recreational vehicles   10'
NOTE: No detached individual storage buildings are allowed within the front or corner side yard areas.
   3.   Distance Between Buildings and Recreational Vehicles: The minimum distance between a recreational vehicle unit and any building (other than a detached individual storage building) shall be ten feet. The minimum distance between a recreational vehicle unit and an individual detached storage building is five feet.
   C.   Height: The maximum height of any building shall be thirty feet. However, if a structure is located at least two hundred feet from any property line, it may be increased to forty-five feet.
   D.   Landscaping: All landscaping within a recreational vehicle park is to conform with the city landscaping code (Chapter 17.52, Article VI. Recreational vehicle parks shall be considered for the purposes of landscaping as multiple-family residential use. In addition, the plant quantities are as follows:
   1.   Lot/space: one tree and three shrubs are to be placed on each lot.
   2.   Frontage: two trees and five shrubs for each twenty feet of street frontage area, and vegetative ground cover occupying a minimum of sixty percent of the street frontage landscaped area. The street frontage area includes any unused right-of-way, plus the twenty feet screening wall setback area.
   3.   Screening: All recreational vehicle parks that have a required screening wall placed adjacent to any residential development shall install, within the perimeter screening wall setback, one tree for every thirty linear feet of wall.
   4.   Interior: In addition to individual lot landscaping, all areas not used for parking, drive, lot or building are to be landscaped, with a plant ratio of one tree and three shrubs for each two hundred fifty square feet of area. This shall also apply to any interior retention or open space areas.
   E.   Open Space: A minimum of seven percent of the site, or an area equal to one hundred fifty square feet per recreational vehicle lot/space, whichever is greater, is to be provided as open space or recreation area within the park. Parking, drive, building and lot setback areas shall not be considered as part of the open space area. Open space shall be either private or public.
   F.   Screening: A six feet high, decorative screening wall is to be placed around the perimeter of the recreational vehicle park, except at any driveway or pedestrian access points. The screening wall is to be placed no closer than twenty feet from any property line that runs adjacent or parallel to any existing or planned public street, and is to be placed along the property line that does not front or parallel any nonpublic street.
   G.   Parking: Parking within a recreational vehicle park is to be provided with the following ratios:
   1.   On-lot (space): At least one parking space (on a dust-free surface) is to be provided on each lot (space).
   2.   Guest: Paved parking (off any interior drives) is to be provided within the recreational vehicle park at the ratio of one space for every five lots (spaces).
   H.   Retention: All recreational vehicle parks are to comply with city requirements for on-site retention. Developers of recreational vehicle parks are encouraged to use the street frontage areas for retention.
   I.   Interior Drive Standards: All interior drives are to be private, are to be paved to city standards, and have a minimum width of twenty-five feet and a minimum turning radius of fifty feet. All cul-de-sacs shall provide for adequate turnaround for emergency vehicles, and in no case shall a cul-de-sac exceed six hundred feet in length.
   J.   Utilities: All utility lines, except electrical power lines greater than thirteen KV capacity, shall be installed underground.
   K.   Access: All access to individual lots (spaces) shall be from the interior of the park only.
   L.   Fire Hydrants: Locations and capacities of fire hydrants, mains and other facilities shall be determined by the fire department.
   M.   Trash Enclosures: All trash enclosures are to meet city standards, and are to be colored and treated to complement the development.
   N.   Hitches: All hitches on any fifth-wheel, travel trailer or similarly-styled recreational vehicles shall be shrouded by a covered cloth, canvas or similar material to screen, conceal and protect the hitch when such units are located within the park.
   O.   Laundry: Outdoor laundry drying areas are prohibited.
   P.   Furniture: There shall be no exposed outdoor storage of furniture (except lawn furniture), household goods, tools, equipment, or building materials or supplies.
   Q.   Signage:
   1.   Detached signs shall be limited to one per public street frontage, and shall be a low- profile, monument-style sign, no greater than eight feet in height and thirty-two square feet in size. The supporting structure shall be constructed and colored to complement the development. Signs mounted to the required screening wall shall be considered detached signs, with the size limit of thirty-two square feet.
   2.   Attached signs shall be allowed to be placed on interior buildings (such as guard and office buildings) only, and are limited to a total of two such signs per frontage, with no single attached sign exceeding twenty square feet in size.
   3.   Address signs for each individual lot/ space is required, with one address sign per lot/space and limited to one square foot in size per sign. Said address sign is to be placed so as to be visible from the adjacent interior drive and may be internally illuminated.
   4.   Directional and similar type signs shall conform to the city's sign code.
   R.   Mobile Homes: Placement of mobile or manufactured homes on recreational vehicle lots (spaces) is prohibited.
   S.   Maintenance: Provisions for the private maintenance of recreational vehicles, recreational vehicle lots (spaces), buildings, screening walls, interior streets, signage and any common/open space areas to be provided.
   T.   Miscellaneous: Development of a recreational vehicle park shall conform to all applicable city requirements for grading, drainage, retention, outdoor lighting, and the installation of street-lights and street signs (where deemed necessary).
(Ord. 1397.17.17 § 6 (part), 1997)