When so instructed by the city council, the planning department, or the neighborhood under the auspices of the planning department, shall prepare a neighborhood conservation plan which shall consist of a detailed plan of land uses and related regulations in a substantial conformity with the Casa Grande general plan and any other prevailing, adopted plans. A neighborhood conservation plan shall:
A. Indicate proposed changes, if any, to permitted land uses within the NC District;
B. Contain a schedule of proposed changes, if any, to density, coverage, height, and other requirements applicable to buildings or structures;
C. Contain specific regulations for the remodeling of existing buildings and structures, application of performance standards and application of site plan review procedures;
D. Contain proposals for social services, if any, to be furnished in the area and plans for capital improvements, if any, by all public agencies and utilities in the area.
(Ord. 1178 § 5.14.3, 1987)