A. All permitted uses, and all activity resulting therefrom, are restricted to closed buildings, except for pass-through windows, employee and customer parking, and any necessary loading/unloading of materials and supplies.
B. No exterior display of materials or supplies, or outdoor storage shall be permitted.
C. A six-foot high, decorative screening wall shall be used as a buffer between any commercial office use and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts.
D. Sign regulations shall be as follows:
1. Detached signs: shall be limited to one per public street frontage, and shall be a low- profile, monument-style sign, no greater than eight feet in height and thirty-two square feet in size. Landscaping shall be provided around the base of the sign. The supporting structure shall be constructed and colored to complement the development.
2. Attached signs: shall be limited to a combined area, along any public street frontage, to one square foot of sign area per two linear feet of building frontage. Maximum sign area shall be one hundred square feet.
E. Landscaping. For purposes of Chapter 17.52, Article VI (landscaping requirements), the commercial office zone shall be considered a commercial development.
F. Fences. For purposes of Chapter 17.52, Article III (fences and walls), the commercial office zone shall be considered a business and industrial district.
(Ord. 1397.17.15 § II (part), 1997)