The city court shall always be open, except on nonjudicial days, and on such nonjudicial days, it may transact such business within its jurisdiction as is authorized by law to be transacted by courts of justice of the peace, relative to businesses within their jurisdiction.
(Prior code Art. 6-2)
The powers and duties of the city judge shall include:
A. The powers and duties set forth in and conferred upon him under the provisions of the State Constitution and statutes, the charter, this code, and the ordinances and the resolutions of the city;
B. The authorization to issue and cause to be served, any and all writs and processes, and he shall have full authority to hear and to determine all matters properly coming before him and coming within his jurisdiction herein specified. The writs and processes to be used shall be similar to those used by justices of the peace in cases of similar nature, and proper record shall be kept of the issuances of writs and processes and returns, and of any kind and all other actions taken relative thereto, and the actions of the court thereof;
C. The keeping of a docket in which shall be entered such action on the proceedings of the court therein;
D. The responsibility for fixing and receiving all bonds and bails and receiving all fines, penalties, fees and other moneys as provided by law;
E. The payment of all fees, fines, penalties and moneys collected by the court to the treasurer;
F. The submitting of a monthly report to the council summarizing court activities for that month;
G. The preparation of a schedule of traffic violations not involving the death of a person, listing specific bail for each violation;
H. The designation of a deputy other than a law enforcement officer and a specific location at which the deputy shall, during hours when the court is not open, set the amount of bail in accordance with the foregoing schedule and collect such bail, or accept proper bail bonds in lieu thereof, for and on behalf of the court.
(Prior code Art. 6-4)