2.04.035 Meetings—Order of business.
   The business of the council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:
   A.   Call to Order.
   1.   The mayor or, in the mayor's absence, the mayor pro-tem presides over all meetings of the city council and, after determining that a quorum is present, calls the meeting to order.
   2.   In the absence of the mayor and mayor pro-tem, the city clerk shall call the council to order, whereupon a temporary mayor pro-tem shall be elected by the members of the council present.
   3.   Following the call to order, those in attendance may be asked to join the council in reciting the pledge of allegiance.
   B.   Roll Call. The mayor or city clerk, or designee, takes roll and announces the presence or absence of individual council members.
   C.   Minutes of the Preceding Council, Board, Commission and Committee Meeting(s).
   1.   The clerk or his deputy shall read or present the minutes of the preceding council meeting, which shall be approved if correct. Any errors noted shall be corrected prior to approval.
   2.   The clerk or his deputy shall read or present the minutes of any board, commission and committee meetings.
   D.   Claims.
   1.   Upon approval from the appropriate department head, the finance director shall pay all claims against the city that do not exceed $2,000.
   2.   All claims in excess of $2,000 shall be approved by the city council prior to payment, with the exception of the following items, which shall be paid when due by the finance director, upon approval of the city manager: payroll and payroll-related checks, council-approved contracts, utilities, and claims upon escrow accounts containing federal funds for housing rehabilitation.
   3.   The finance director is also authorized, upon approval of the city manager, to make such fund transfers as may be necessary from time to time, and to invest such surplus funds as may be available from time to time.
   4.   A list of all claims that have been paid and all transfers and investments that have been made pursuant to this chapter shall be prepared and distributed as ordered in Section 2.04.020 of this chapter. This list shall include the name of the claimant, the date and the amount of each payment.
   E.   Meeting Agenda Approval.
   1.   This is the time when council members or the city manager may withdraw or move items on the agenda.
   2.   A simple majority of those present may vote to consider items in a different order.
   3.   During this portion of the agenda, council members will share current activities on regional, state and federal committees, boards or commissions on which they serve.
   F.   Special Presentations.
   1.   Petitions, remonstrances, communications and comments or suggestions from citizens present, shall be heard by the council.
   (a)   All such remarks shall be addressed to the council as a whole, and not to any member thereof.
   (b)   Such remarks shall be limited to ten minutes, unless additional time is granted by the council.
   (c)   No person other than the individual speaking shall enter into the discussion without the permission of the presiding officer.
   (d)   No question shall be asked a councilman except through the presiding officer.
   2.   Council may also take the opportunity to acknowledge outstanding achievements or present awards to employees, groups or other individuals.
   G.   Consent Agenda.
   1.   Any agenda item which appears under Reports by Officer, Unfinished Business, or New Business shall be marked by an asterisk when the item appears to be routine and noncontroversial.
   (a)   Examples of such agenda items are: final adoptions of ordinances and resolutions, bid calls for budgeted purchases and some bid awards, license approvals, leases, agreements and similar items.
   (b)   Agenda items marked with an asterisk become a part of the consent agenda and shall be acted upon by a roll call vote of the council.
   (c)   The results of this vote shall apply to all items on the consent agenda.
   2.   If any council member or member of the public requests that an item be removed from the consent agenda, the request shall be granted and the item shall be discussed and voted upon separately.
   H.   Public Comments.
   1.   During this portion of the meeting, the mayor will invite citizens to talk with the council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda.
   (a)   Speakers will limit their presentation to three to five minutes, unless a longer period is permitted by the presiding officer and/or council.
   (b)   Speakers are asked to sign the speakers sign-in sheet provided.
   2.   Written comments may be submitted into the record of a council meeting by presenting the written document to the clerk of the meeting. A copy of the document will be provided to each council member; the document will not be read aloud.
   I.   Award of Contract. Before presentation to the council, all contract documents shall have been:
   1.   Approved as to form and legality by the city attorney or the city attorney's authorized representative; and
   2.   First referred for review to the head of the department under whose jurisdiction the administration of the subject matter of the contract document would devolve; and
   3.   Further, presented to the city manager or authorized representative for review.
   J.   Boards and Commissions. During this portion of the meeting, council may consider board and commission interviews, appointments, and/or other advisory board-related business as necessary.
   K.   Ordinances and Resolutions.
   1.   Ordinances, resolutions and other matters or subjects requiring action by the council must be introduced by a member of the council, except that the city manager, city attorney or department directors may present ordinances, resolutions and other matters or subjects to the council, and any council member may assume sponsorship thereof by moving that such ordinances, resolutions, matters or subjects be adopted; otherwise, they shall not be considered.
   2.   City officials and committees shall prepare any reports required by the council.
   L.   Public Meetings, Public Hearings, Open Record Reviews and Closed Record Reviews.
   1.   After giving their name and address, individuals desiring to speak during a public hearing are to address the council from the speaker podium.
   (a)   Comments are limited to the specific matter for which the public hearing is held.
   (b)   Comments are limited to three to five minutes, unless a longer period is permitted by the presiding officer and/or council.
   (c)   Unless the presiding officer grants an extension of time, comments are limited to five minutes.
   2.   Written comments are encouraged during the public hearings.
   (a)   When materials are presented during public hearings, they should be submitted to the city clerk before the public hearing is closed on the item.
   (b)   Written documents submitted will be entered into the record, but will not be read aloud.
   3.   After a public hearing is closed, no member of the public shall be permitted to address the council or the staff.
   (a)   In fairness to members of the public, the city council shall be considered to be in deliberations from that point forward.
   (b)   Additional public testimony either that evening or at a future meeting would be precluded until public hearing notification procedures required by the Casa Grande Municipal Code are concluded.
   M.   Executive Session.
   1.   At the call of the presiding officer or with a majority vote, the city council may recess to executive session to privately discuss and consider matters of confidential concern to the well being of the city.
   2.   The purposes for which an executive session may be held are identified in Article II, Section 14 of the City of Casa Grande Charter.
   3.   Before convening in executive session, the presiding officer shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place, and the time when the executive session will be concluded.
   4.   An executive session may be extended to a stated later time by announcement of the presiding officer.
   N.   Reports. Members of the council and the city manager may take this opportunity to make comments, extend compliments, express concerns or make announcements concerning any topic they wish to share with staff or the public.
   O.   Addressing the Council—Generally.
   1.   Written Communications.
   (a)   All persons may address the council by written communication, including e-mail.
     (b)   Such written communication pertaining to items subject to public hearing procedures will be made a part of the public record, but will not be read aloud.
   (c)   Written comments may be submitted to the council at any time by mailing or otherwise delivering to: the City Clerk, 510 E. Florence Blvd., Casa Grande, AZ 85222.
     (d)   The clerk will distribute a copy of the correspondence to each council member.
   2.   Oral Communications. All persons may address the council verbally, either:
   (a)   During the visitor's portion of the agenda for items not on the agenda;
   (b)   During public hearings, following staff and, if applicable, applicant comments;
   (c)   During items on the agenda that are not public hearings, etc., following staff comments at the discretion of the council.
   3.   Addressing the Council—Manner— Limits.
   (a)   Each person addressing the council will give his or her name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record and, unless the council grants further time, shall limit the address to five minutes.
   (b)   All remarks will be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof.
   (c)   No person other than the council and the person having the floor will be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the council, without the permission of the mayor.
   P.   Addressing the Council—After a Motion is Made. After the council makes a motion, no person will address the council without first securing the permission of the mayor or presiding officer.
   Q.   Adjournment.
   1.   The council may, by a majority vote of those present, adjourn from time to time to a specific date and hour.
   2.   A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without debate.
(Ord. 1397.02.08 § 2, 2005)