13.04.300 Operating policy.
   As the operator and proprietor of the airport, on behalf of the citizens of the city, it is the intent of the city council:
   A.   To operate the airport in a business-like manner with as little cost as possible to the taxpayers through the imposition of fair and reasonable rentals, fees and charges;
   B.   To provide for both private and commercial aviation at the airport to the extent practicable within physical, economic and environmental constraints;
   C.   To provide for the full range of on-base aeronautical support consistent with the need for the service and the availability of space and physical facilities;
   D.   To protect the airport patrons and users from unsafe and inadequate aeronautical service and to maintain and preserve all airport facilities in a safe, secure and orderly condition;
   E.   To promote fair competition and not expose those who have lawfully undertaken to provide commodities and services at the airport to irresponsible or unethical business or commercial activity on the airport;
   F.   To permit and provide adequate facilities for owners of general aviation aircraft to work on and service their own aircraft within the limits as may be imposed by this chapter or airport regulation for purposes of safety, preservation of airport facilities, and protection of the public interest;
   G.   To promote the utility, educational and recreational aspects of general aviation.
(Prior code § 22-10-1) (Ord. 1397.02.07 § 3 (part), 2001)