9.16.040. Curfew enforcement.
   A.   Before taking any enforcement action under Section 9.16.020, above, a police officer shall attempt to ascertain the apparent offender's age and reason for being in the place. The officer shall not issue a citation or make an arrest under this section unless the officer reasonably believes that an offense has occurred and that, based upon the circumstances, the minor's responses and minor's conduct, no defense as provided in Section 9.16.030, above, is probably present.
   B.   In addition to other powers they may have, law enforcement officers who arrest a minor for violating any of the provisions of subsections 9.16.020(A)(1) through 9.16.020(A)(2) are also hereby empowered to demand of the parent, guardian or other person having the care, custody or supervision of the minor, that such parent, guardian or other person come and take custody of the minor. The law enforcement officers are also empowered to take the minor to a designated location where arrangements can be made for a parent, guardian or other appropriate party to take the minor into custody. Should there be a failure of the parent, guardian or other person to take custody of such minor, the officers may then be empowered to take the minor home.
(Ord. 1397.09.03 § 3 (part), 1997)