5.20.030 Exemptions.
   A.   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
   1.   Persons authorized by the laws of this state to practice medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy or podiatry;
   2.   Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses or technicians, when acting under the supervision of a licensed physician or osteopath;
   3.   Persons employed or acting as trainers for any bona fide amateur, semiprofessional or professional athlete or athletic team;
   4.   Persons authorized by the laws of this state as barbers or cosmetologists provided their activity is limited to the head, face or neck;
   5.   Registered physical therapists duly licensed by the state of Arizona.
   B.   Any exemption granted in this section is effective only to the extent that the bona fide practice of the business profession of the person exempted from overlaps into the field comprehended by this chapter, and exemptions granted herein are solely for those activities which are performed in the course of the bona fide practice of the business or profession of the person exempted.
(Prior code § 10-6-14)