17.56.080 Drive access design requirements.
   A.   Access required. No development shall be approved unless the area to be developed meets the following requirements:
   1.   Has access to an existing public or private street.
   2.   The street providing access to development has been deemed to be of sufficient width and construction standard to accommodate anticipated traffic load and trips.
   3.   Driveway access shall comply with the Access Management Standards.
   B.   Drive access location and spacing requirements. Drive accesses shall meet the following requirements for access location and spacing found in the Access Management Standards:
   1.   The number of access points provided shall be sufficient to handle anticipated travel to and from the development and allow adequate emergency access.
   2.   Access spacing shall meet the driveway spacing requirements.
   3.   Drive access points for Non-Residential Uses shall meet the minimum corner and intersection clearance requirements.
   4.   The location of drive access points shall meet all requirements for driveway coordination along roadways.
   C.   Drive access width. Access drives shall not have a width of less than 24 feet when 2-way traffic is allowed, and a width of no less than 12 feet in width for 1-way traffic. Specific driveway widths shall be determined in conjunction with a Traffic Impact Analysis where such an analysis is required.
   D.   Internal circulation requirements. Internal drives shall be designed to provide access to all required parking spaces and to provide adequate circulation between each access point on the site.
   E.   Adequacy confirmed by Traffic Impact Assessment. The adequacy of access drive and internal circulation design shall be determined through the Traffic Impact Analyses Procedures as detailed in the Access Management Standards.
   F.   Allowed alterations to access standards.
   1.   Exceptions. The standards in this section may be relaxed or altered by the City Traffic Engineer if shown during the review of an access request and/or applicable Traffic Impact Analysis that an alternative design can be used without jeopardizing the public's health, safety, and welfare.
   2.   Appeals - The decision of the City Traffic Engineer on an exception request can be appealed to the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with Section 6.7 of the Access Management Standards.
(Ord. 1397.17.59, 2022)