17.56.020 Definitions.
   A.   Access Management Standards - The adopted City of Casa Grande Access Management Standards as set forth in Exhibit B to Resolution No. 5427, as may be amended from time to time.
   B.   Director - The Casa Grande Planning and Development Director or their assignee.
   C.   Floor Area - The gross floor area of a building or outdoor patio.
   D.   Large Residential Uses- Residential buildings containing 3 or more dwelling units or Group Homes with more than 10 residents.
   E.   Non-Residential Uses - Buildings containing uses other than residential or mixed commercial-residential buildings which shall be treated as a Non-Residential Use.
   F.   Small Residential Uses - Residential buildings containing no more than 2 dwelling units or Group Homes with 10 or less residents.
(Ord. 1397.17.59, 2022)