The powers and duties of the community services advisory board shall be:
A. To adopt such rules of procedure as are required for the faithful performance of its duties.
B. To provide that four members shall constitute a quorum, and that the affirmative vote of the majority of members present shall be required for passage of any matter before the board.
C. To consult with the community services director on the policies, rules, and regulations relating to the operation, use, care and maintenance of areas and structures owned, leased or otherwise acquired by the City of Casa Grande for use in the community services department including any park, trail, library, golf course, or recreation facility.
D. To assist the community services director in the development of a continuing plan for the city's park system, trail system, library system, golf operation, recreational programs or other amenities within the community services department. The city manger, through the community services director, shall, from time to time, send such plans and programs to the board for its review. The results of such reviews shall be forwarded to the City Council.
E. To advise the community services director in establishing general priorities at budget time for those items, other than administrative functions, relating to areas in the community services department.
F. To advise the community services director on community needs relating to the services offered within the community services department. This could include special events, parks, trails, recreation, aquatics, golf, library, senior services, facilities, or any other area included within the community services department now or in the future.
G. To advise City Council on the acceptance and/or acquisition by gift, bequest, or sale of any real or personal property of every kind, nature and description in the name of the City of Casa Grande, for park and/or recreational purposes.
(Ord. 1397.02.20 § 2 (part), 2022)