A. No pedestrian may stop or remain in the portion of any roadway designed for vehicular use or in a painted or raised traffic island or median not specifically designated for use by pedestrians except to wait to cross the roadway at the next pedestrian signal or, in the absence of a pedestrian signal, when traffic has cleared or yielded.
B. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons occupying a median or roadway while conducting activities related to maintenance, surveying, construction, landscape maintenance, landscape improvements, or other similar activity necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the city streets; provided that all such operations must be conducted only upon approval of the director of public works, or his or her designee, and upon such conditions, such as adjacent lane closures, use of appropriate safety vests or gear, and/or other safety precautions designed to ensure the safety of motorists and those temporarily occupying the median for these purposes.
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to emergency personnel occupying a median or roadway in response to an accident, safety hazard, or other emergency situation. Emergency personnel temporarily occupying a median or roadway for these purposes should take adequate precautions to help ensure proper notification of the emergency situation if feasible and to provide such safety measures as are appropriate and reasonably available in light of the emergency situation presented.
D. A first alleged violation of subsection A of this section shall result in a warning to the violator by law enforcement personnel. Violations of subsection A of this section by any person previously warned by law enforcement personnel, either verbally or in writing, shall be a Class 3 misdemeanor. (Ord. 1397.10.4 § 1, 2015)