17.64.030 Applicability to existing lots.
   A.   At the time of enactment of this title, if any owner of a plot of land consisting of one or more adjacent lots in a subdivision of record does not own sufficient contiguous land to enable him/her to conform to the minimum lot width requirements or does not have sufficient lot width to conform to the minimum lot width requirements, such plot of land may nevertheless be used as a building site. The dimensional requirements of the district in which the piece of land is located may be reduced by the smallest amount that will permit a structure of acceptable size to be built upon the lot, such reduction to be determined by the board of adjustment.
   1.   In the UR, R-1, RF-1a and R-4 Zones, the reduction shall permit only a single-family residence.
   2.   In the R-2 Zone, the reduction shall permit only a duplex.
   3.   In the R-3 Zone, the reduction shall permit only a townhouse cluster or apartment containing no more than four units.
   B.   No lot, even though it may consist of one or more adjacent lots in the same ownership at the time of passage of the ordinance codified in this title, shall be reduced in size so that the lot width or size of yards or lot area per family or any other requirement of this title is not maintained. This chapter shall not apply when a portion of a lot is acquired for a public purpose.
(Ord. 1178 § 6.14.9, 1987)