A. Records Maintenance.
1. The purchasing officer or city clerk's office shall maintain records for each procurement, which shall include, at a minimum: the procurement request; the bid or proposal documents for the procurement, if any; any and all bids or proposals received; the basis on which contract award is made; and a copy of any and all contracts awarded.
2. Such records shall be maintained for a period of time in compliance with state law and the city's records retention schedule, and shall be available for public inspection during normal city business hours.
B. Public Inspection.
1. Informal and formal competitive bids not involving competitive negotiation shall be available for public inspection following the date and time set for receipt of bids.
2. Informal and formal competitive proposals and formal competitive bids involving competitive negotiation shall be available for public inspection following contract award or rejection.
(Ord. 1397.03.08 § 2 (part), 2007)