A. Bids and proposals submitted in response to informal competitive bids and proposal solicitations shall be in writing, unless otherwise specified in bid documents or approved by the purchasing officer or designee. Bids or proposals received prior to the date and time designated in the solicitation documents shall be retained in confidence by the purchasing officer until the date and time set for the receipt of bids or proposals.
B. Sealed bids and proposals submitted in response to formal competitive bid or proposal solicitations must be delivered to the city clerk's office prior to the time and date designated in the bid or proposal documents.
C. Formal competitive bids or proposals, timely received, will be publicly opened by the city clerk in the presence of one or more witnesses at the location designated in the notice. If members of the public are present, the names of those submitting bids and the aggregate bid pricing shall be read aloud during the bid opening process, or the name of the proposer shall be read aloud during the proposal opening process.
D. Formal competitive bids or proposals received after the deadline for receipt shall not be accepted and shall be returned to the bidder unopened.
1. The city clerk's office shall submit written notification to the bidder, stating what the deadline was, when the bid or proposal was actually received, and that it is being returned because it was received too late.
2. If necessary, the bid or proposal may be opened for identification purposes.
(Ord. 1397.03.08 § 2 (part), 2007)