The purchasing officer shall follow the procedures set forth in this section for all purchases and contracts subject to the bidding process.
A. A notice of solicitation for sealed bids or proposals shall state the date, time and place of opening, and the place and time period within which bids shall be submitted.
1. Adequate public notice shall be given at least fifteen calendar days prior to the date set forth for opening of bids or proposals, unless otherwise approved by the purchasing officer and specified in bid documents.
2. The city clerk's office will be responsible for the advertisement of all formal competitive bids or proposals.
B. The notice shall state with particularity the goods or services required, and shall state the place where specifications may be examined.
C. The notice shall require that bids be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly identified on its front as a bid. Any bid not received within the time period allowed shall be rejected.
D. All bids shall be opened in the public at the time and place specified, and a tabulation of all bids received shall be posted in city hall for public inspection.
E. The purchasing officer shall have the right to reject any and all bids and parts of bids, and/or to re-advertise or re-solicit bids. A bidder may appeal the decision to reject a bid to the city council.
F. The purchasing officer shall report the bid results to the council, and shall advise the council on the need for the goods or services and the advantages or disadvantages of the proposed contracts and bid proposals.
(Ord. 1397.03.08 § 2 (part), 2007)