17.68.310 Final development plan.
   A.   Approval. Final P.A.D. development plan approval and the issuance of a development permit for any portion of a P.A.D. shall occur only when:
   1.   A reproducible copy of the approved preliminary development plan with appropriate signatures is submitted;
   2.   The design and construction specifications for all utilities, property and street improvements have been approved by the city engineer;
   3.   A site plan, subject to the requirements of Article I of this chapter, for the specific portion of the P.A.D. in question has been submitted and has been approved by the planning and zoning commission, as in conformance with the preliminary development plan. Upon approval of the site plan, a reproducible copy shall be submitted;
   4.   Architectural elevations of the buildings, with materials lists, are submitted and approved by the planning and zoning commission;
   5.   A landscaping plan is submitted and approved by the planning and zoning commission;
   6.   A performance bond, cash escrow agreement, or other acceptable instrument has been deposited with the city in an amount as set by the city council based upon the city engineer's recommendation. This financial guarantee shall be used to ensure the full completion, as specified, of:
   a.   Public and private streets and utilities,
   b.   Landscaping, and
   c.   Privately-owned and maintained recreational facilities;
   7.   Any land dedication agreements made as part of the preliminary development plan approval are fulfilled.
   B.   Platting Requirements. All applicants for a planned area development permit shall be required to file with Pinal County a final plat of the Planned Area Development complying with all of the requirements of Title 16 of this code except to the extent that the council may give specific permission to the effect that specific portions of Title 16 need not be complied with. Such required plats shall contain on their face a cross-reference to the P.A.D. development plan.
(Ord. 1178 § 7.8.5, 1987)