17.68.280 Preliminary development submittal requirements.
   Based upon comments received regarding the concept plan, the applicant shall prepare a preliminary development plan. A preliminary development plan shall be submitted at least twenty-one days prior to the hearing by the planning and zoning commission. The following information shall be submitted to the planning director:
   A.   Legal description of property and indication of gross area;
   B.   Nature of the applicant's interest in the land to be developed;
   C.   A generalized location map showing surrounding land use and traffic circulation patterns;
   D.   Site conditions - an analysis of the existing site conditions which indicates at a minimum:
   1.   Topographic contours with intervals of no more than two feet, to a distance of one hundred feet beyond the property boundary,
   2.   Location and extent of major vegetative cover (if any),
   3.   Location and extent of perennial or intermittent streams and water ponding areas,
   4.   Existing drainage patterns,
   5.   Other information considered relevant by the applicant or city staff;
   E.   Proposed allocations of land use expressed as a percentage of the total area, as well as in acres. Uses to be indicated include:
   1.   Arterial streets,
   2.   Open space (public),
   3.   Open space (private),
   4.   Residential (if appropriate),
   5.   A stratification of residential uses in terms of single-family detached units, patio homes, townhouses, garden apartments, etc.
   6.   Commercial (if appropriate),
   7.   Industrial (if appropriate);
   F.   A land use plan at a scale not smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet, indicating land uses, acres and development densities of each land use and the most nearly equivalent zoning categories; all arterial and collector street circulation elements, pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation elements, exact perimeter locations of any/all arterial streets and major collector streets; open spaces; and recreational areas;
   G.   Plans indicating the approximate alignment and sizing of water lines, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers (if any), as well as easements for all utilities, if necessary. Also indicated should be proposed surface drainage patterns;
   H.   A final plat of the proposed development;
   I.   Conceptual architectural renderings indicating the elevations and exterior wall finishes of proposed buildings types;
   J.   Conceptual landscaping plans, indicating landscaping theme character of the development;
   K.   A traffic analysis report, if deemed necessary by the city;
   L.   Phasing plan, if development is to take more than one year.
(Ord. 1178 § 7.8.4(A), 1987)