Any person who, for any reason, terminates operations at a regulated site, must remove all hazardous waste and materials contaminated with hazardous waste prior to termination of operations. Termination of operations may include the sale of an operation to a new entity, or the simple shutdown of a business or site, which is then not operated, the relinquishing of lease or rental rights to a property, or a change in operation such that hazardous waste is no longer generated. Removal of the waste from the site must be completed in a timely manner as determined by the Department and accomplished in full compliance with this chapter and Minn. Rules Chapter 7045. Materials remaining on the site of a terminated operation shall be considered waste materials. The continued storage of hazardous wastes on the site of a terminated operation shall be done in compliance with the hazardous waste storage facility rules in Minn. Rules Chapters 7045 and 7001 and this chapter.
(Ord. 28F, passed 10-31-00; Am. Ord. 60-2007, passed 8-14-07)