(A) (1) Minimal generators must manage their hazardous waste according to all applicable rules and regulations of the EPA, the state and county.
(2) (a) Minimal generators who fail to comply with the waste management requirements of this chapter may, at the discretion of the Department, lose their minimal generator status.
(b) The Department will notify the minimal generator of the status change.
(3) Minimal generators whose rate of generation exceeds that defined herein shall lose their minimal generator status.
(4) Minimal generators that exceed 55 gallons of accumulated hazardous waste lose minimal generator status. The generation of used oil, used oil contaminated absorbents, used oil filters, spent lead acid batteries, universal waste, special hazardous waste, feedstock, or by-product waste is not counted towards this accumulation limit.
(Ord. 60-2007, passed 8-14-07)