   Approval or denial shall be by resolution, including findings of fact, and shall be entered in the proceedings of the Board and transmitted to the applicant. If the preliminary plat is approved, such approval shall not constitute final approval of the subdivision.
(Ord. 33, § 4.7, passed 1-21-92)
   (A)   The preliminary plat shall conform such standards and specifications as adopted by the county.
   (B)   The approval of a preliminary plat by the County Board is an acceptance of the general layout as submitted, and indicates to the subdivider that he or she may proceed toward fulfilling the necessary steps for approval of the final plat in accordance with the County Board’s approval.
   (C)   Subsequent approval of the engineering proposals required by this chapter pertaining to water supply, storm drainage, sewerage and sewage disposal, sidewalks, gas and electric service, grading, gradients and roadway widths and the surfacing of streets shall be necessary by the public officials having jurisdiction, prior to the approval of the final plat by the county.
   (D)   No plat will be approved for a subdivision which does not conform to applicable floodplain regulations.
   (E)   A plat or subdivision shall not be approved unless there is provision for two on-site sewer systems, streets as required by the township, and provisions for the proper disposal of storm water.
   (F)   A plat or subdivision shall not be approved where a variance will subsequently be required in order to use the lots for their intended purpose.
(Ord. 33, § 4.8, passed 1-21-92)
   (A)   The owner or subdivider shall file five copies of the final plat no later than six months after the date of approval of the preliminary plat or as provided in a developer’s agreement, otherwise, the preliminary plat approval shall be considered void unless an extension is requested in writing by the subdivider and for good cause granted by the County Board. In the case of a final plat filed for only a portion of the preliminary plat, the remaining preliminary plat may be extended as above. The owner or subdivider shall also submit at the same time an up-to-date certified abstract of title or registered property report, and such other evidence, as the County Attorney or Platting Officer may require, showing sufficient title or control in the applicant. Any restrictive covenants, developer’s agreement, be submitted for review by the County Attorney unless such agreements or contracts have already been reviewed and executed. The applicant shall also submit one copy of the final plat to the County Surveyor for mathematical checking, conformance with §§ 151.155 et seq., subdivision plats and registered land surveys, and conformance with state statute. Required fees shall be paid at the time of filing.
   (B)   The final plat shall have incorporated all changes or modifications required by the County Board. In all other respects it shall conform to the preliminary plat. It may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time, provided that such portion conforms with all the requirements of these regulations.
   (C)   The final plat shall be considered officially filed after the Platting Officer has examined it and certified that all requirements have been met.
(Ord. 33, § 5.1, passed 1-21-92)
   Within a reasonable time after the final plat is filed with the county, the Platting Officer shall refer copies of the final plat to the township and private utility companies as appropriate. The report by the County Attorney and the County Surveyor shall be considered by the Planning Commission and the County Board. Final action on the plat shall not be taken until such time as these reports are available and have been reviewed. The procedure and timing for the reports of the County Planning Commission and action by the County Board are the same as for preliminary plat except that no public hearing is required in processing the final plat. The County Board shall act on the final plat within 60 days of official filing with the Platting Officer, unless an extension of the deadline is mutually agreed to by the County Board and the applicant. Action shall consist of resolutions passed by the Planning Commission and the County Board approving or denying the plat. The resolutions shall include appropriate findings and any conditions or requirements of approval. The County Board resolution shall authorize the chairman to sign the plat if the plat is to be approved. Failure to act shall constitute approval provided all requirements and conditions upon which preliminary approval are based are met.
(Ord. 33, § 5.2, passed 1-21-92)
   The final plat shall be of the form and content as prescribed in the §§ 151.155 et seq.
(Ord. 33, § 5.3, passed 1-21-92)
   A final plat shall not be approved or signed unless:
   (A)   All of the required improvements, including improvements required on individual lots, are completed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, and such completion is certified by the County Engineer, and all improvements to be dedicated to the county are free and clear of all encumbrances and liens; or
   (B)   The applicant shall post a financial guarantee pursuant to §§ 151.175 et seq. at the time of application for final subdivision approval in an amount estimated by the County Engineer as sufficient to secure to the county the satisfactory construction, installation and dedication of the uncompleted portion of required improvements. The financial guarantee shall also secure all lot improvements on the individual lots of the subdivision.
      (1)   Such financial guarantee shall comply with all statutory requirements and shall be satisfactory to the County Attorney as to form, sufficiency, and manner of execution as set forth in these regulations. The period within which required improvements must be completed shall be specified by the County Board in the resolution approving the final subdivision plat and shall be incorporated in the financial guarantee and shall not in any event exceed two years from date of final approval.
      (2)   Such guarantee shall be approved by the County Board as to amount, surety, and conditions. The Planning Commission may, upon proof of difficulty, recommend to the County Board extension of the completion date set for in such financial guarantee for a maximum period of one additional year.
(Ord. 33, § 5.4, passed 1-21-92)