Projects meeting the standards described below automatically qualify for a general maintenance permit.
   (A)   For all projects meeting the thresholds described in § 153.44, a general maintenance notification form must be submitted to the county ten business days prior to the start of the activity. The county reserves the right to provide review comments within ten business days of receipt.
   (B)   Projects which involve the replacement of existing crossings as defined in these rules and result in changes to the hydraulic profile of the waterbody in the two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events that are minor enough to result in no adverse impacts to structures or watercourses:
      (1)   Crossing replacement may not result in a net increase in the flood stage of the pertinent waterbodyfrom the existing bridge condition;
      (2)   Crossing replacement may not adversely affect water quality, change the existing flowline/gradient, or cause increased scour, erosion or sedimentation;
      (3)   Crossing replacement must be timed in a way to protect the surface water from sediment pollution (i.e., during frozen conditions or not preceding a forecasted rain event);
      (4)   Bare areas must be stabilized with erosion control BMPs, vegetation, and/or other approved measures according to the stabilization timelines identified in the general NPDES permit, as amended from time to time;
      (5)   If sediment has been discharged downstream as a result of the project, it may need to be removed and the area restored;
      (6)   Energy dissipation may be needed.
   (C)   Projects which involve slip-lining culverts. The project must maintain the hydraulic capacity of the existing structure to the extent practicable.
   (D)   Projects which use chip seal pavement surface treatment:
      (1)   Inlet protection must be used on any structures that may be affected by the project;
      (2)   If any material has been discharged downstream as a result of the project, it may need to be removed and the area restored.
   (E)   Projects which involve horizontal drilling and are within sensitive areas (utility maintenance and construction projects that part of a larger plan of development are exempt). If drillers mud has been discharged downstream or into a surface water as a result of the project, it may need to be removed and the area restored.
   (F)   Projects which maintain or restore the function of stormwater BMPs by replacing structures or filtration media, dredging, grading, or other activities beyond routine maintenance (i.e., sediment removal, trash removal, vegetation management).
      (1)   Record drawings documenting the elevations of structures, inverts, basin bottoms, and/or other relevant details must be collected before and after the maintenance activity is performed and sent to the county.
      (2)   If the project results in a loss of BMP function, work to restore the function of the BMP will be required (restoring approved elevations, and the like).
(Ord. 99-2022, passed 6-28-22)