(A)   For projects which construct, reconstruct, or remove crossings as defined in these rules, except for dams and bridges as defined in these rules, the following information must be submitted.
      (1)   Location map. A map showing the site location with property lines in relation to surrounding roads, other geographic features, buildings and other structures.
      (2)   Topography. Topography showing two-foot contours for the site, invert elevations of existing storm sewer, and/or spot elevations of the conveyance system from drainage discharge points to the nearest receiving waterbody and for a minimum of 100 feet beyond the site boundary. Topography showing ten-foot contours for subwatersheds upstream and downstream of the project site. Where topography in the region is characteristically flat or hydrologic flow path is undetermined, two-foot contours may be required.
      (3)   Project description. Dimensions, invert elevation(s), and location(s) of the proposed and, if applicable, existing structure.
      (4)   Nearby structures. Locations and elevations of existing structures, pipes, or other constructed features upstream and downstream of the site, which have the potential to be impacted by proposed changes in the two-, ten-, and 100-year hydraulic profile of the waterbody. This may be shown on an aerial photograph.
      (5)   Erosion and sediment control plan. An erosion and sediment control plan showing existing and final proposed conditions drawn to scale that is consistent with the manual Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 2000) as revised and includes the following:
         (a)   Proposed area of grading or other land-disturbing activities and delineation of the limits of disturbance including areas of grubbing, clearing, tree removal, grading, excavation, fill and other disturbance;
         (b)   Quantity of soil or earth material to be removed, placed, stored or otherwise moved on site;
         (c)   Locations and descriptions of proposed runoff control, erosion prevention, sediment control and temporary and permanent soil stabilization measures;
         (d)   A sequence of land alteration activity and corresponding implementation of erosion control practices, monitoring, maintenance and removal of erosion and sediment control measures; and permanent site stabilization measures. Prior to commencing activity (following all necessary approvals), the responsible party shall provide the SWCD with a construction schedule which will include approximate dates for the following:
            1.   Completion of installation of perimeter erosion and sediment controls;
            2.   Completion of required seeding and mulching activities;
            3.   Completion of land-disturbing activities and putting into place measures for final soil stabilization and re-vegetation;
            4.   When the site will be permanently stabilized and re-vegetated;
            5.   When all temporary erosion and sediment controls will be removed from the site.
      (6)   Dewatering plan. Plan indicating several options for dewatering or by-passing, depending on site conditions at the time of construction. Once the contractor has selected a stream diversion option, the SWCD must be notified so that the plan can be reviewed and approved.
      (7)   Channel bottom information. Information regarding the existing and proposed channel bottom materials. If rip-rap must be used, an explanation of the need should be provided.
      (8)   For projects in the FEMA floodway or 100-year floodplain:
         (a)   Quantity of fill within the 100-year floodplain;
         (b)   Existing and proposed 100-year floodplain storage volumes to document that there is no net change to floodplain storage. If fill will be added, a note signed by a professional engineer documenting that the change in storage has no significant impact on the flood elevation;
         (c)   Figure showing the extent of the designated floodway and 100-year flood plain.
      (9)   Additional information as relevant and necessary to evaluate an application may be required. Requests for additional information shall be submitted in writing to the responsible party and shall specify requirements for submittal to the county.
   (B)   For projects which construct, reconstruct, or remove bridges as defined in these rules or dams, the following information must be submitted.
      (1)   All requirements per § 153.42 must be submitted.
      (2)   Hydraulic report prepared by a professional engineer.
      (3)   Risk assessment form prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota.
      (4)   Profile showing existing structures and 100-year flow elevation for existing and proposed conditions. Flow elevation in the two- and ten-year storm events may also be required.
      (5)   Inundation maps showing existing structures and 100-year flow elevation for existing and proposed conditions. Flow elevation in the two- and ten-year storm events may also be required.
      (6)   Cross sectional flow area at 100-year flow elevation for existing and proposed conditions. For sites with low-lying land, or structures, pipes, or other constructed features at elevations that are at risk of being affected by changes in the two- and ten-year hydraulic profile, the cross-sectional flow area at the two- and ten-year flow elevations will also be required.
      (7)   Changes to water surface elevations between no-bridge, existing, and proposed conditions. This information should be provided for a range of river stations and should encompass, at a minimum, the point upstream and downstream of the structure at which the project results in no change in water surface elevation.
      (8)   For projects on public waters, provide a copy of the permit package submitted to the DNR. Additional information as relevant and necessary to evaluate an application may be required. Requests for additional information shall be submitted in writing to the responsible party and shall specify requirements for submittal to the county.
   (C)   At county discretion, less information may be required to constitute a complete application.
(Ord. 99-2022, passed 6-28-22)