Any non-conforming sign, as defined in § 153.07 of this chapter, that does not pose an imminent peril to life or property may lawfully remain subject to all the restrictions on the enlargement, alteration or relocation, or reconstruction of non-conforming structures set forth in § 153.07 of this chapter; provided, as follows:
   (A)   Merely changing the message displayed on a non-conforming sign shall not be construed as a prohibited alteration; and
   (B)   Whenever any sign is non-conforming solely because it is appurtenant to a non- conforming commercial/industrial use located in the agricultural district or in any residential district, said sign shall be treated in the same manner as it would be if it were appurtenant to a commercial/industrial use located in any business district or in the industrial district.
(Prior Code, § 40-6-6)