An application for a permit for a public exhibition or display of fireworks shall be filed with the City Clerk at least 20 days before the date set for the display. A copy of such application shall be sent at once to the Chief of Police, who shall make or cause to be made, an investigation of the site of the proposed display and investigate the competence and skill of the persons in charge of the firing and discharge of the fireworks. If satisfied that the display will be conducted lawfully and in accordance with this subchapter, he or she shall so advise the City Clerk within ten days, at which time, the City Clerk shall issue the permit. The applicant for a permit shall, at the time of filing application therefor, pay to the City Clerk a fee of $100, which sum shall be refunded in the event the application for such permit is denied. Each applicant shall also pay to the City Clerk a non-refundable investigation fee of $30.
(Prior Code, § 27-10-7)