(A)   Whenever an abandoned, lost, stolen or unclaimed motor vehicle or other vehicle seven years of age or newer remains unclaimed by the registered owner, lienholder or other person legally entitled to its possession for a period of 30 days after notice has been given as provided herein, the Police Department having possession of the vehicle shall cause it to be sold at public auction to a person licensed as an automatic parts recycler, rebuilder or scrap processor under 625 ILCS 5. Notice of the time and place of the sale shall be posted in a conspicuous place for at least ten days prior to the sale on the premises where the vehicle has been impounded. At least ten days prior to the sale, the Police Department shall cause a notice of the time and place to be sent by certified mail to the registered owner, lienholder or other person known by the Police Department or towing service to be legally entitled to the possession of the vehicle. Such notice shall contain a complete description of the vehicle to be sold and what steps must be taken by any legally entitled person to reclaim the vehicle.
   (B)   In those instances where the certified notification specified herein has been returned by the postal authorities to the Police Department due to the addressee having moved or being unknown at the address obtained from the registration records of the state, the sending of a second certified notice shall not be required.
(Prior Code, § 24-7-9)