(A)   Hours. All personnel are expected to be at their scheduled pool a minimum of 15 minutes prior to opening. They will ready the pool for opening (i.e., set out safety equipment, ropes, chairs, counting money and the like). They will dress and await instructions for the day by the pool manager. They will then be at their assigned post at opening times. All personnel will remain at the pool until the end of their shift, at which time they will check with the pool manager before leaving.
   (B)   Absences.
      (1)   Any employee needing time-off will find their own substitute. This shall be done at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of the shift.** All substitutes will come from the approved list which will be updated periodically. All substitutions will be duly noted on the form provided at the pool and the persons switching will receive the manager’s approval. Manager’s approval will only be given after each employee concerned in the substitution has contacted him or her, preferably at the same time, and 24 hours prior to the shift. (**Employees should try to switch with or give away hours to regularly scheduled employees before contacting substitutes.)
      (2)   In the case of illness, each employee should still make an effort to find a substitute and notify the person in charge of the pool of their illness and subsequent substitution as soon as it becomes apparent that the substitution will be necessary.
      (3)   Any employee who is absent and does not provide a substitute who has been previously approved by the manager, will be given two cuts. The only exception is in the case of illness. Even in this case, everyone knows several hours prior to their shift whether or not they are too sick to work and shall call the pool manager, even if it means reaching him or her at home.
   (C)   Tardiness. If you know you are going to be unavoidably late, call the pool and speak to the pool manager. This is not only courteous, it is necessary.
   (D)   Attire.
      (1)   Instructor: one-piece swimsuit; white t-shirt; clipboard; instructor’s manual;
      (2)   Guard: one-piece swimsuit; whistle with neck lanyard; guard hat or white sunvisor; sunglasses; and
      (3)   Attendant: clean, neat sportswear or swimsuit.
   (E)   Schedule. Work assignments will be the responsibility of the pool manager.
(Prior Code, § 28-4-16)