(A)   In the event of a regular (non-drowning) accident, the following procedure shall be followed:
      (1)   In life-threatening situations (non-drowning), call: 9-1-1 (ambulance). Tell them:
         (a)   What you need; respirator, ambulance and the like;
         (b)   Where you are;
         (c)   Basic facts: near drowning, broken leg, possible broken back and the like; and
         (d)   Don’t hang up. Let them ask you questions and repeat the information.
      (2)   Parents should be notified immediately, but again in a non-alarming way. Calls should be made by the pool manager or head guard.
      (3)   In cases where patron can be moved, the person should be taken to the swimming pool manager’s office.
      (4)   In all accident cases, standard Red Cross first aid procedures must be followed.
      (5)   In non-life threatening cases, if person is a minor, call parents and explain situation in a non-alarming way. Let parents decide whether they want to pick child up or they call ambulance. Call is to be made by the pool manager or head guard.
      (6)   Another staff member should fill out accident form and get as much information from witnesses as possible if victim is not able to respond to questions.
      (7)   If ambulance is called, a staff member should be at entrance to meet them and direct to injured party.
      (8)   If accident occurs on pool deck and victim cannot be moved, a staff member should keep the area clear of onlookers.
   (B)   The procedure shall be followed in drowning or stoppage of breathing situations only.
      (1)   Staff person who makes recovery of person starts artificial respiration on the spot. If pool office is not close at hand, dispense with moving victim.
      (2)   A second staff member should call ambulance.
      (3)   A third staff member should clear all patrons from accident scene.
      (4)   A fourth staff member should be at bath house entrance to meet ambulance and direct them to accident victim.
      (5)   A fifth person should stay with person doing artificial respiration and assist as much as possible.
      (6)   After call is made for ambulance assistance telling them who is calling, where accident is and the nature of injury, a call should be made to the Director, Parks and Recreation Office, and the Police Department. If it is a drowning accident, if Director of Parks and Recreation is not in, then the Pool Manager or Assistant will call parents.
   (C)   In all accident cases, staff members are not to discuss with anyone the following:
      (1)   Liability coverage of the city; and
      (2)   The nature of the accident.
   (D)   Any statements to the press, radio and television concerning the accident will be made by the Director of Parks and Recreation or other city officials.
   (E)   Do not transport any injured person in your private vehicle.
   (F)   Staff members are not to accompany injured person to hospital. Staff presence is needed at the swimming pool. Exception would be if ambulance crew needed your assistance.
(Prior Code, § 28-4-9) (Ord. 21-651, passed 9-9-2021)