(A)   Before entering pool area, everyone is required to take a soap and water shower.
   (B)   Persons with colds, coughs, red or infected eyes, skin eruptions, open wounds, sores or bandages are not permitted in pool area.
   (C)   Persons under the influence of alcohol or narcotics are prohibited from using the pool. Drinking intoxicating liquors or using narcotics will result in immediate suspension of pool privileges.
   (D)   Smoking, eating, chewing gum or drinking bottled or canned beverages on the pool premises is not allowed, except in those areas provided for such activity.
   (E)   Glass containers are not permitted in the pool area.
   (F)   All persons must obey rules and requests made by the lifesaving personnel.
   (G)   Friends and relatives may not visit lifesaving personnel during duty hours.
   (H)   Distracting the attention of the lifeguard is dangerous and prohibited. Diversion of guard’s attention from duty could result in a fatality.
   (I)   Lifeguards may not engage in any unnecessary conversation with anyone, nor carry on any activity other than watching swimmers or performing other assigned duties.
   (J)   Safety equipment or furniture must not be altered, moved or used by unauthorized persons, except in an emergency.
   (K)   Floating apparatus, glass items, sticks, stones or any object which is not part of the regular programmed equipment items are not allowed in the pool area.
   (L)   Animals or pets of any kind are prohibited in the pool area.
   (M)   Abusive or foul language is prohibited.
   (N)   No persons may teach swimming or conduct aquatic group activity without the approval of the pool manager. This does not apply to a parent-child relationship.
   (O)   Street shoes and clothes must not be worn on the pool deck.
   (P)   Lying on deck close to the edge of the pool where swimmers may trip over sunbathers is dangerous and prohibited. Patrons should lie or sit as far back from the pool edge as the width of the deck allows.
   (Q)   Dangerous practices are prohibited at all times. These can endanger your welfare as well as the comfort and welfare of others. Patrons must not run on decks, climb, sit or jump from fences or structures not provided for such activity; dive in shallow water; swim in the diving area; double-bounce or crowd springboards; duck, push, pull or splash swimmers. Horseplay or wrestling on decks, ladders, springboards or in the pool or dressing rooms is prohibited. Tag and horse-and-rider games are not allowed. Riding wheeled vehicles in the pool area is not allowed. Guards must be alert for overexertion at all times.
   (R)   Spitting, spouting of water, or blowing the nose in the pool is strictly prohibited.
   (S)   No person may interfere with an emergency rescue, accident or drill procedure.
   (T)   Emergency or exit signals must be observed. Swimmers must leave the pool area immediately upon the signal or request of pool personnel; an emergency may exist in which all persons may need to cooperate.
   (U)   Non-swimmers or those with little ability are prohibited from hanging on to walls in the deep end of the pool.
   (V)   The swimming pool will be closed in the following circumstances:
      (1)   When the outside temperature is not 70°F by 1:00 p.m.;
      (2)   When the community is under a tornado watch;
      (3)   When the weather is inclement and the danger exists of an electrical storm; and
      (4)   When there is a malfunction of the swimming pool’s sanitation, filtration or disinfection equipment.
   (W)   Remember, the above rules are for a person’s safety and those around him or her. Have an enjoyable swimming experience.
   (X)   Please contact the swimming pool staff with any problems. They are there to be of service to you.
   (Y)   If a group desires to rent the swimming pool after normal hours, it shall contact the swimming pool manager or the Director of Parks and Recreation for details and application forms.
(Prior Code, § 28-4-4)