(A) Be courteous to other pool patrons. Avoid loitering at entrances and basket check area which causes congestion.
(B) After being admitted, pick up basket before entering change area.
(C) Pool personnel are not allowed to keep patrons’ articles.
(D) Please put all clothes in baskets and give to basket room personnel before entering pool area. Do not lose the check tag. Secure it to the swim suit. This tag must be prevented to receive the basket. Lost tags cause unnecessary delays.
(E) If a person has valuables such as jewelry, purses, glasses and the like, these can be checked with basket room personnel. Best protection against lost items is to leave valuables at home. Swimming pool management is not responsible for lost articles.
(F) No smoking is permitted in dressing rooms or pool area.
(Prior Code, § 28-4-3) Penalty, see § 10.99