The Parks and Recreation Board shall be required to adopt reasonable rules and regulations governing the management of the parks and youth league.
It shall hire any personnel deemed necessary for the operation of the parks.
(B) It shall determine compensation for their services, in compliance with state and federal wage and labor laws.
(C) It shall determine fees to be charged for use of the parks or for youth league activities.
(D) It shall consult with the City Council before approving abnormal expenditures, making unusual repairs or for any other operations that are other than routine and normal.
(E) (1) Either the Parks and Recreation Board, or its staff hired to handle such affairs shall be responsible for the minor repair of buildings and the appearance of the park area as well as preparation of the ball diamonds.
(2) The Board or its designated employee(s) must comply with all requirements of the state concerning public bathrooms.
The Board or its designee(s) shall enforce all rules and regulations made by the Board.
(Prior Code, § 28-1-10)