(A)   The officers of each board shall consist of a President, Vice-President and Secretary. The City Treasurer by virtue of his or her office, shall be the Treasurer of the Boards. The Treasurer need not be a member of the boards. The elective officers of the boards shall be elected annually at the stated meeting of the boards in the month of May and shall serve until their successors are elected. Vacancies in the elective offices of the boards may be filled for the unexpired term at a stated or special meeting of the boards. The boards shall adopt such rules, by-laws and regulations as it may deem proper for the conduct of its work.
   (B)   The duties of the officers shall be as follows.
      (1)   President. The President shall preside at meetings and do and perform such things and have such authority as may be granted unto him or her by a majority of the boards, relating to the operation of said parks, swimming pool and Summer Youth Program.
      (2)   Vice-President. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence and have the same powers and authority as the President at such times. At other times, he or she shall be a member of the boards and shall have a vote on all matters and things coming before the boards.
      (3)   Secretary. The Secretary shall notify all members of the boards of all meetings, attend and keep a faithful record of all its acts and doings. He or she shall have a vote as a member of the boards on all matters and things coming before the boards.
      (4)   Treasurer.
         (a)   The City Treasurer shall have custody of the funds belonging to the city under the administration of the boards. Such funds shall be the proceeds of the playground and recreation tax and those funds arising out of the revenue charged for the use of the swimming pool. He or she shall pay all claims with the approval of the boards. He or she shall keep necessary books showing receipts and disbursements coming into his or her hands and expended by him or her and shall render a monthly statement of account to the boards, and shall furnish a duplicate statement of said account to the City Council. He or she shall make available to the City Auditor the required ledger kept by him or her for the annual audit. The Auditor employed by the city shall, at all times, audit this account and include a statement of account with the annual audit of the city.
         (b)   Each member, other than the City Treasurer shall have a vote as a member of the boards on all matters and things coming before the boards.
(Prior Code, § 28-1-5)  (Ord. 21-651, passed 9-9-2021)