Garbage and Rubbish Collection
941.01   Definitions.
941.02   Accumulation of garbage and other refuse.
941.03   Permits.
941.04   Disposal of garbage and refuse.
941.05   Service charge.
941.06   Duties of contractor.
Collection and disposal of garbage - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
Employment of scavengers - see Ohio R.C. 3707.39
Vehicle loads dropping, sifting, leaking - see TRAF. 339.08
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
Open burning - see FIRE PREV. Ch. 1511
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   (a)   “Garbage” means all putrescible wastes, (except human excreta, sewage and other water carried wastes and recognizable industrial by-products), including vegetables and animal offal, carcasses of dead animals and all such substances from all public and private establishments and from all residences.
   (b)   “Other refuse” means ashes, glass, crockery, tin cans, paper, boxes, rags and old clothing and all other similar non-putrescible wastes. The term shall not include tree limbs or any materials such as earth, sand, brick, stone, concrete, plaster or other similar substances that may accumulate as a result of construction operations.
   (c)   “Householder” means the head of a facility or one maintaining separate living quarters and shall include owners, tenants and occupants of all premises where garbage or other refuse or both is or are created. Nothing in this definition shall be construed to apply to commercial operators as hereinafter defined.
   (d)   “Premises” means land or buildings or both, or parts of either or both, occupied by a householder or commercial operator.
   (e)   “Commercial operator” means all persons, firms or corporations who own or operate stores, restaurants, industries, institutions and other similar places, public or private, charitable or non-charitable, and include all responsible persons other than householders, upon the premises of which garbage or other refuse or both is or are created. (Ord. 1997-10. Passed 7-28-97.)
   (a)   No householder or commercial operator shall permit to be accumulated upon his premises any garbage or other refuse except in approved containers.
   (b)   All garbage shall be kept in rust-resistant, water tight, non-absorbent, rodent resistant, washable containers or plastic bags. Containers shall not exceed thirty gallons in capacity and shall have two handles, a carrying bail and must be sealed or tied shut.
   (c)   All other refuse shall be placed in substantial containers not subject to disintegration by moisture. Such containers shall be of adequate capacity and provided in sufficient number to satisfactorily hold all other refuse that accumulates between collections. Insofar as practicable boxes, papers and similar odd articles shall be crushed and bundled in lengths not to exceed three feet and not to exceed fifty pounds in weight.
   (d)   No householder or commercial operator may dispose of garbage in any other manner than the foregoing except by the use of a garbage disposal unit which trends and discharges garbage direct to the sanitary sewer. No other refuse may be burned in the container in which said refuse is placed for removal. (Ord. 1997-10. Passed 7-28-97.)
941.03 PERMITS.
   (a)   No person, firm, corporation, except the holder of a permit issued by the Mayor, shall commercially collect or transport garbage or other refuse within the Village. Said permit shall be issued only after the Mayor has duly satisfied himself that the permittee is capable of complying with the requirements of this chapter. Permits shall be issued only to persons, firms or corporations equipped with sanitary, leak-proof and easily cleaned vehicles. Leakage and spillage from vehicles transporting garbage and other refuse shall not be permitted.
   (b)   Such permit shall be in the form of a contract executed on behalf of the Village by the Mayor and Clerk, and approved by the Council. It shall also be executed at any time. The contract shall be for a term of five years with the option or renew for a similar period of five years, if mutually satisfactory to the Village and the Contractor. Such permit shall constitute an exclusive franchise between the Village and Contractor.
(Ord. 1997-10. Passed 7-28-97.)