There shall be created the position of Building and Zoning Inspector, whose responsibility it shall be to inspect all new buildings and additions thereto in compliance with the provisions of this Part Thirteen - Building Code. The Inspector shall conduct inspections as set forth in Section 1321.02 on all permits issued to verify conformance with all zoning regulations and with the laws and ordinances of the Village.
(Ord. 1977-22. Passed 11-9-77.)
It shall be the duty of the Building and Zoning Inspector to conduct the following inspections upon each building permit application:
(a) Four inspections for new construction excepting mobile homes which shall be inspected twice.
(b) Two inspections shall be conducted for all new commercial construction.
(c) Two inspections shall be conducted for all structural remodeling.
(d) One inspection shall be conducted for all accessory buildings without foundations and two inspections shall be conducted for those being constructed upon a foundation.
(e) One inspection shall be conducted on permits issued under Section 1325.02(f) for construction costing two hundred fifty-one dollars ($251.00) to one thousand dollars ($1, 000) and two inspections shall be conducted for construction costing over one thousand one dollars ($1,001).
(Ord. 1977-22. Passed 11-9-77.)