The following are permitted uses in the RA District:
Permitted Uses.
Any permitted use of the RD District.
Multiple dwelling.
(Ord. 1979-7. Passed 6-12-79. )
The following are conditional uses in the RA District:
Conditional Uses.
Hospital or sanitarium, except penal, mental or animal hospital.
Medical clinic.
Nursing, rest or convalescent home.
Parking lot (total area) located within 200 feet of a boundary of an RD, B or I District.
Private club, fraternity, sorority or lodge, except when the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business.
Private school.
Public building erected by any governmental agency.
Religious, educational and eleemosynary institution of a philanthropic nature, but not a penal or mental institution.
Rooming house or boarding house.
Tourist home when located on a major street as designated on the Major Street Plan of the Village's Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. 1979-7. Passed 6-12-79.)