Minimum pavement widths, back to back of curb, installed at subdivider's expense, shall be as follows:
(a) Primary streets - fifty feet; secondary streets - forty-four feet; collector streets - thirty-six feet; minor streets - thirty feet.
(b) Minor streets, including cul-de-sacs, shall not be over six hundred feet long. The pavement of a turning circle at the end of a dead-end street shall have a minimum outside diameter of eighty feet. A “T” or “Y” shaped paved space, when approved by the Planning Commission in place of a turning circle, shall extend entirely across the width of the street right-of-way, except for sidewalk space, and shall be at least ten feet wide with the flared portion rounded by minimum radii of twenty feet.
(Ord. 1973-10. Passed 1-8-74.)
(a) The grades of streets shall not exceed the following, except that where unusual or exceptional conditions exist, the Engineer may modify these regulations:
(1) Primary streets: four percent (4%).
(2) Secondary and collector streets: seven percent (7%).
(3) Minor streets and service drives: ten percent (10%).
(4) Pedestrian ways or crosswalks: twelve percent (12%), unless steps of an acceptable design are to be constructed.
(5) In no event shall the minimum grade of any street be less than four-tenths of one percent (.4%).
(Ord. 1973-10. Passed 1-8-74.)