A Business Park is a self-contained development area of at least ten acres that is cohesive, with a common development scheme, and approved as a single development plan.
(A) A Business Park is permitted in the C-3 District, and principal uses include all uses permitted by right or authorized by conditional use in the C-3 District, except the following:
(1) Cemetery or mausoleum;
(2) Crematorium;
(3) Funeral establishment;
(4) Outdoor drive-in theater; and
(5) Self-service storage facility.
(B) Additional principal uses may include uses permitted by right or authorized by conditional use in the I-1 District, except an oil-contaminated soil facility, provided that these uses and the supporting parking lot area collectively comprise no more than 20% of the land area of the entire Business Park.
(C) Dwellings may also be permitted in a Business Park, provided that the total developed area for dwellings collectively comprises no more than 20% of the total land area of the Business Park development.
(D) The Planning Commission shall require phasing of construction of the residential portion of the Business Park to ensure that this component is in support of the primary employment uses.
(E) Landscaping, signs, walkways, and parking will be provided in an integrated and harmonious design.
(F) A Business Park shall be permitted to subdivide at the option of the developer.
(G) An average of 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area shall be provided for the lots within a Business Park. The minimum number of spaces as required herein and any modifications to the parking space design standards, as previously approved by the Planning Commission during the site development plan approval of the Business Park, shall supersede any parking requirements and design standards of Chapter 155 and Chapter 158.
(Ord. 2019-06, passed 12-12-2019; Ord. 2022-17, passed 11-22-2022; Ord. 2024-11, passed 12-5-2024)