(A)   Concept plan.
      (1)   A developer/owner shall, prior to preparing and submitting a final site plan, present a concept plan of the proposed site plan in compliance with this chapter. The concept plan shall be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (2)   A concept site plan shall become void 12 months after the concept site plan is reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission unless a final site plan has been submitted and accepted for review.
      (3)   The plan shall document compliance with the following chapters or sections of the County Code. Concurrence must be documented by the applicable county agency prior to performing any activity regulated by the subject codes
         (a)   Floodplain Management, Chapter 153;
         (b)   Forest Conservation, Chapter 150;
         (c)   Grading and Sediment Control, Chapter 152;
         (d)   Landscape Enhancement of Development, Chapter 157;
         (e)   Stormwater Management, Chapter 151; and
         (f)   Water Resource Management, Chapter 154.
      (4)   The plan shall include a graphic representation of information that illustrates the location and configuration of the site's environmental and physical characteristics to be verified by the county. The plan shall include the following information:
         (a)   Site topography illustrated at a scale of at least one inch: 200 feet with two-foot contour intervals;
         (b)   Slope areas between 15% and 25%;
         (c)   Any slopes on the site greater than 25%;
         (d)   Site vegetative cover types, including but not limited to forested, old field, pasture, scrub, hedge rows, and cultivated field;
         (e)   Any surface water bodies or watercourses located on the site, including lakes or impoundments and streams, swales, and ditches;
         (f)   Jurisdictional wetlands, including any wetlands of special state concern;
         (g)   Any public water supply reservoir watersheds that the site drains into;
         (h)   Any buffers required by this chapter or by COMAR;
         (i)   Any known habitat for any federal or state designated rare, threatened, or endangered plant or animal species, or a letter from the Natural Heritage Program of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources concluding that a lack of evidence exists to indicate a potential habitat;
         (j)   A forest stand delineation prepared for the site, in compliance with Chapter 150;
         (k)   Any wellhead protection areas;
         (l)   Any rock outcrops;
         (m)   Site soil types and boundaries;
         (n)   The extent and location of any carbonate rock areas;
         (o)   Any delineated 100-year floodplain;
         (p)   Any physical features on the sites, including but not limited to roads and driveways, buildings, stone walls, and any other feature;
         (q)   The location of any designated historic structure on the site as listed on the county's inventory of historic structures, sites, or districts or by the Maryland Historical Trust; and
         (r)   Any other information that is necessary as determined by the county.
      (5)   Carroll County coordinate system.
         (a)   Coordinates for site plans shall be based on the current Maryland Coordinate System, North American Datum.
         (b)   Elevations and topography for site plans shall be based on the current North American Vertical Datum.
         (c)   Coordinate and elevation values shall be provided in feet.
         (d)   Site plans shall show the following information:
            (1)   One or more corners accurately tied by bearing and distance to a monument of the Carroll County control system; and
            (2)   Four state coordinate system tick marks.
   (B)   Final site plan.
      (1)   The site plan shall be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission, which shall have the authority to approve the plan as presented, approve the plan with modifications or conditions, or disapprove the plan.
      (2)   In approving site development plans, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to:
         (a)   Approve the location and design of all site improvements;
         (b)   Limit the number and approve the location and design of entrances and exits;
         (c)   Require a plan which shows how signs are to be located and designed and may approve, reject, or modify the sign plan to promote an attractive and pleasing appearance;
         (d)   Require a plan which shows the location, design, and effect of any outside lights to be used on the property and the effect of any inside lights to be used if their use would affect adjacent, neighboring, or contiguous properties. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve, reject, or modify the plan where appropriate to prevent visual interference to the traveling public on adjacent roadways, or glare or reflections on adjacent buildings or neighboring properties;
         (e)   Require that a binding agreement and surety be provided to the county to ensure completion of the site development plan;
         (f)   Ensure consistency with the Master Plan and this chapter;
         (g)   Require a traffic impact study be performed by the developer/owner in accordance with criteria established by the Department of Public Works, or its successor agency. The Planning and Zoning Commission may require the developer/owner to take any action necessary to ensure the adequacy and safety of transportation that are affected by the proposed improvements and the Planning and Zoning Commission may require the owner to enter into a PWA, secured by a suitable guaranty, which implements any requirements of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The developer/owner may be required to contribute to a fund to be used to upgrade the transportation facility which is determined to be inadequate on a basis that prorates the effect of the development on the transportation facility; and
         (h)   Require certification of the adequacy of public facilities by the agencies having jurisdiction over public facilities in the county, including but not limited to the following: public water and sewer facilities, police protection, roads and traffic control devices, storm drain facilities, emergency service facilities, and solid waste disposal facilities. The Planning and Zoning Commission may consider and may use the failure of any agency to certify the adequacy of any public facility or service to serve a proposed site as a basis for disapproval of a site development plan. Site plans for residential development shall be reviewed for conformity with §§ 156.01 through 156.07.
      (3)   Validity. A site plan shall become void 18 months after the date of written approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission unless a building permit or Zoning Certificate has been issued for the project. In the event the building permit or Zoning Certificate is revoked or is terminated prior to the issuance of a final use and occupancy certificate, the site plan becomes void on the date of revocation or termination. At the written request of the developer/owner, the Director may grant an extension.
(Ord. 2022-19, passed 10-20-2022)