(A)   All county employees and appointed officials listed in § 34.03 must file annually not later than April 30 of each year during which they hold their position, a financial disclosure statement with the Ethics Commission. A county employee or appointed official who is appointed to fill a vacancy in a position listed in § 34.03 and who has not already filed a financial disclosure statement for the preceding calendar year must file a financial disclosure statement with the Ethics Commission within 30 days of their initial appointment or hire and annually thereafter. An individual who, other than by reasons of death, leaves a position for which a statement is required will file a financial disclosure statement covering the portion of the current calendar year during which the individual held the position within 60 days after leaving the position. Financial disclosure statements will be made under oath or affirmation.
   (B)   County employees and appointed officials must list for the past calendar year the following:
      (1)   All of their real estate holdings in Carroll County, excluding their personal residence and up to one acre surrounding that residence, whether held individually, jointly, in partnership, or corporately, and with whom the property is owned; and
      (2)   Any and all business entities that do business in Carroll County in which they have a financial interest excluding business interests in which they own less than 5% of the stock of a company traded on a major stock exchange.
      (3)   A statement disclosing gifts in excess of $20 in value received during the preceding calendar year from any person that contracts with or is regulated by the county or from an association, or entity acting on behalf of an association that is engaged only in representing counties or municipal corporations, including the name of the donor of the gift and the approximate retail value at the time of receipt.
      (4)   Relationship with the University of Maryland Medical System, state or local government, or quasi-governmental entity.
         (a)   An individual shall disclose the information specified in the General Provisions Article § 5-607(j)(1), Annotated Code of Maryland, for any financial or contractual relationship with:
            1.   The University of Maryland Medical System;
            2.   A governmental entity of the state or a local government in the state; or
            3.   A quasi-governmental entity of the state or local government in the state.
         (b)   For each financial or contractual relationship reported, the scheduled shall include:
            1.   A description of the relationship;
            2.   The subject matter of the relationship; and
            3.   The consideration.
      (5)   An individual who is required to disclose the name of a business under this section shall disclose any other names that the business is trading as or doing business as.
   (C)   All county employees and appointed officials must file a statement with the Ethics Commission disclosing any interest or employment the holding of which might require disqualification from participation. The statement must be filed at the time the person in question knows or should know of the conflict or potential conflict of interest.
   (D)   An employee or appointed official shall disclose employment and interests that raise conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest in connection with a specific proposed action by the employee or appointed official sufficiently in advance of the action to provide adequate disclosure to the public.
   (E)   The Ethics Commission shall review the financial disclosure statements submitted under this section for compliance with the provisions of this section and shall notify an individual submitting the statement of any omissions or deficiencies. The Ethics Commission may take appropriate enforcement action to ensure compliance with this section.
   (F)   Disclosure statements filed pursuant to this section will be maintained by the Ethics Commission for at least four years from the date of receipt. Statements will be maintained as public records.
   (G)   Financial disclosure statements shall be made available during normal office hours for examination and copying by the public subject to reasonable fees and administrative procedures established by the Ethics Commission. If an individual examines or copies a financial disclosure statement, the Ethics Commission shall record the name and home address of the individual reviewing or copying the statement and the name of the person whose financial disclosure statement was examined or copied. Upon request by the official whose financial disclosure statement was examined or copied, the Ethics Commission shall provide the official with a copy of the name and home address of the person who reviewed the official's financial disclosure statement.
   (H)   The Ethics Commission or the office designated by the Commission shall not provide public access to information related to consideration received from:
      (1)   The University of Maryland Medical System;
      (2)   A governmental entity of the state or local government in the state; or
      (3)   A quasi-governmental entity of the state or local government in the state.
(2004 Code, § 18-10) (Ord. 03-14, passed 7-1-2003; Ord. 2010-10, passed 6-17-2010; Ord. 2018-02, passed 3-13-2018; Ord. 2021-03, passed 3-11-2021; Ord. 2022-16, passed 11-10-2022)