At the public hearing, the Director of Public Works, or a designated representative shall:
(A) Review the details of the improvements necessary to accept the road into the county roads system, which details shall have been documented and sent to each affected property owner, along with the notice of the public hearing, and discuss the method and procedure for determining annual benefit assessments, together with the amount of the assessment for each property owner whose property abuts or has direct access to the road;
(B) Conduct a vote of the affected property owners present, by ballot, to determine whether they desire the county to make the road improvements and accept the road as petitioned. Votes by proxy of property owners may be considered if properly executed and notarized. Any property owner not present or who does not register a vote by notarized proxy shall be deemed to have voted in the negative;
(C) Announce that each individual lot that abuts or has direct access to the road to be improved shall receive one vote. If such individual lot has several owners and they are unable to reach a unanimous agreement as to how to vote, that lot shall be considered to have voted “no”; and
(D) Establish the status of the right-of-way required and as set forth in § 92.050.
(2004 Code, § 197-23) (Ord. 98-01, passed 11-18-1998; Ord. 02-04, passed 3-14-2002)