   No unclaimed dog or cat shall be released for adoption without being sterilized, or without a written agreement from the adopter, guaranteeing that such animal will be sterilized, unless exempted by the Animal Care and Control Authority. Failure to comply with the terms of the agreement guaranteeing the sterilization of the adopted animal shall constitute a violation of this chapter and shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable as hereinafter set forth.
(2004 Code, § 81-13) (Ord. 26, passed 1-21-1980; Ord. 26B, passed 10-30-1984; Ord. 06-15, passed 11-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
   (A)   All animal bites must be reported immediately to the Carroll County Health Department or local law enforcement authority. The duty to make this report rests both with the owner of the animal and the person bitten, if a person was bitten, or the owner of any animal bitten by another animal, if an animal was bitten.
   (B)   The Carroll County Health Department, upon receiving a report of an animal bite or suspected rabies in an animal shall take such action as it deems necessary, including but not limited to the quarantine or destruction of the animal involved.
   (C)   The owner of any animal which has bitten a person or animal shall be responsible for any expenses which are necessary to carry out the quarantine, examination, treatment, or destruction of an animal pursuant to this section.
   (D)   The owner of a dog, cat, or ferret four months of age or older shall have the dog, cat, or ferret currently vaccinated against rabies and shall maintain a record of the vaccinations given the dog, cat, or ferret which shall constitute the only acceptable evidence of compliance with this division (D). In addition to any penalties for failure to comply with this provision, the owner of a dog, cat, or ferret who does not have an acceptable record showing that the dog, cat, or ferret has been vaccinated against rabies may be ordered by the Animal Control Officer to have the dog, cat, or ferret vaccinated against rabies, and the owner so ordered shall comply with the order within 72 hours. The Animal Care and Control Authority shall determine in its sole discretion the acceptability of a record of vaccination against rabies.
   (E)   Any person or agency that neglects or refuses to comply with an order of the Carroll County Health Department concerning the quarantine or destruction of an animal is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided herein.
   (F)   The Animal Care and Control Authority has responsibility to make provisions for the removal of the head of any animal suspected of having rabies as required by the Carroll County Health Department.
   (G)   The Carroll County Health Department shall promulgate such rules and regulations and issue such orders as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, the violation of which shall be punished in accordance with this chapter.
(2004 Code, § 81-14) (Ord. 26, passed 1-21-1980; Ord. 26C, passed 7-29-1986; Ord. 02-23, passed 11-26-2002; Ord. 06-15, passed 11-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
   (A)   The Animal Care and Control Authority may determine that an animal is a public nuisance or a vicious animal. If an animal is determined to be a public nuisance or vicious, the owner shall have the right to appeal, to the County Commissioners or a Board of Appeals appointed by the County Commissioners or town councils (when applicable in the incorporated limits of a town or city) within ten days. The request for appeal shall be made in writing and received on or before the tenth day. A date and time will be set for an appeal hearing.
   (B)   The governing body, following the hearing described in division (A) above, but no later than 30 days after such hearing, will issue a decision which will include a determination of the status of the animal as a public nuisance or vicious and give reasons therefor.
   (C)   The owner of a public nuisance animal shall be required to have the animal humanely euthanized or turned over to the Animal Care and Control Authority to be disposed of at its discretion within ten days of the receipt of notice of a determination that the animal is a public nuisance.
   (D)   If the owner refuses or neglects to have a public nuisance animal destroyed, or turned over to the Animal Care and Control Authority as herein provided, the Animal Care and Control Authority may take the animal into its custody, by any lawful means necessary, wherever found. The owner of the animal shall be liable for any expenses or damages incurred in carrying out the provisions of this section.
(2004 Code, § 81-15) (Ord. 26, passed 1-21-1980; Ord. 02-23, passed 11-26-2002; Ord. 06-15, passed 11-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
   (A)   The civil and criminal provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by those persons or agencies designated by the County Commissioners. It shall be a violation of this chapter to interfere with an Animal Control Officer in the performance of his or her duties.
   (B)   In the discretion of an Animal Control Officer or law enforcement officer, a notice of violation may be issued to any person in violation of this chapter, any rules and regulations adopted pursuant hereto, or of the Md. Code, Criminal Law Article or any other state law regarding the control or treatment of animals which local Animal Control Officers are authorized to enforce. Such notice shall impose upon the owner a fine as indicated by the Animal Control Officer or law enforcement officer, which may, at the discretion of the person receiving such notice, be paid to any agency designated by the Animal Care and Control Authority within 72 hours in full satisfaction of the violation. In the event that such fine is not paid within the time prescribed, a criminal charging document shall be initiated before a District Court Commissioner, and upon conviction of a violation of this chapter, or any rules and regulations adopted pursuant hereto, the defendant shall be punished as provided in § 90.99. The fine assessed by the Animal Control Officer, as herein provided, may be increased or decreased by the Court upon conviction as aforesaid.
   (C)   The Animal Care and Control Authority, in addition to and not in substitution for any of the provisions of this chapter, may apply to the court having jurisdiction for a mandatory injunction when the impoundment, confinement, or destruction of an animal is necessary to protect public safety or if an animal is in need of immediate medical care and the owner is either uncooperative or unable to be contacted in a timely fashion.
(2004 Code, § 81-16) (Ord. 26, passed 1-21-1980; Ord. 02-23, passed 11-26-2002; Ord. 06-15, passed 11-28-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
§ 90.99 PENALTY.
   Any person who fails to perform an act required by this chapter, or by any rule or regulation adopted pursuant hereto; or who takes any action prohibited by any provision of this chapter, or by any rule or regulation adopted pursuant hereto; or who in any way violates any provision of this chapter, or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant hereto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by confinement in the county jail for not more than 30 days or by a fine up to $500, or both. If any violation be continuing, each day’s violation shall be deemed a separate violation.
(2004 Code, § 81-17) (Ord. 26, passed 1-21-1980; Ord. 26C, passed 7-29-1986; Ord. 02-23, passed 11-26-2002; Ord. 06-15, passed 11-28-2006)